Literature List

This list of literature will be updated as the Technical Teams conduct their literature reviews and draft the preliminary “State of the Devils Watershed” report. The resources included in the Devils River Conservancy’s Devils Database serve as a starting place, but we need your help to make sure that we track down all publications and important communications about the watershed.

If you have a resource you would like to see included in the report, please share it with us using the submission form provided below.

Groundwater Science

TitleType of WorkYearSource URLFile
Regulating Unregulated Groundwater in Texas: How the State Could Conquer this Final FrontierJournal Article2016Access Here
Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maverick Basin and Devils River Trend, Lower Cretaceous, Southwest Texas: A Field Guide and Related PapersBook1984Access Here
Chronological Bibliography of Lower Pecos ArcheologyJournal Article2010Access Here
Groundwater Resources of Val Verde CountyReport1973Access Here
Lithofacies, biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and stratal architecture of the Boquillas Formation and Eagle Ford Group : comparison of outcrop and core data from Big Bend National Park to Maverick Basin, Southwest Texas, USAThesis2015Access Here
Devils River Karst SurveyNews Article2014Access Here
The Eagle Ford Outcrops of West Texas: A Laboratory for Understanding Heterogeneities within Unconventional Mudstone ReservoirsJournal Article2012Access Here
Geologic history and hydrogeologic setting of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system, west-central TexasReport1994Access Here
Reconnaissance Investigations of the Ground-Water Resources of the Rio Grande Basin, TexasReport1965Access Here
Hydrogeologic Sections of the Edwards Aquifer and its Confining Units in the San Antonio Area, TexasReport1986Access Here
Rio Grande Historical Mean Daily Discharge DataWeb Page1889-2011Access Here
Relating to permits for certain injection wells that are part of an aquifer storage and recovery project that transect a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.Bill2017Access Here
Water BulletinsWebpageAccess Here
TWDB Drillers Well Reports by County and UseWebpageN/AAccess Here
HB 3099 - 86(R) Relating to standardsBill2019Access Here
The Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico: Tectonic History of a" Composite" Foreland Basin and Its Effects on Stratigraphic DevelopmentBook Section1995Access Here
Appraisal Of The Archeology Resources Of Diablo Reservoir Val Verde County, TexasDocument1958Access Here
Amistad Takes Its Place As Southwest LandmarkNews Article1972Access HereAccess File
Surly, Muddy Streams Almost Normal After Record Rises Around Del RioNews Article1948Access HereAccess File
Floodwater Retention Dams Prevent Additional Damage from Disastrous FloodingNews Article2018Access Here
Devil's River Rise Due To Crest at One FootNews Article1962Access HereAccess File
Paleoflood Hydrologic Research in the Southwestern United StatesReport1988Access Here
Ground-Water Resources of the Edwards Aquifer in the Del Rio Area, TexasReport2001Access Here
An Overview of Operational Characteristics of Selected Irrigation Districts in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley: Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Juan)Report2005Access Here
Edwards Formation, Surface and Subsurface, Central TexasThesis1968Access Here
Hydroelectric Power Plant on Devils RiverNews Article1930Access Here
Physical Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis, Lower Cretaceous, Maverick Basin and Devils River Trend, Uvalde and Real Counties, TexasJournal Article1984Access Here
Post-cretaceous structural geology near Del Norte Gap, Brewster County, TexasThesis1964Access Here
HB 2146 - 83(R) Relating to certain restrictionsBill2013Access Here
Sedimentologic and Diagenetic Controls on Aquifer Properties, Lower Cretaceous Edwards Carbonate Aquifer, Texas: Implications for Aquifer ManagementJournal Article1994Access Here
HB 814 - 82(R) Relating to the Edwards Aquifer AuthorityBill2011Access Here
Citizens Oppose SAWS Val Verde Project 2DocumentNAAccess Here
The Pecos River Hypogene Speleogenetic Province: a Basin-Scale Karst Paradigm for Eastern New Mexico and West Texas, USAJournal Article2009Access Here
This Month in Climate History: Hurricane Alice, June 1954WebpageNAAccess Here
Devil's Lake Dam 1930'sPhotographs1930'sAccess Here
Vast Changes Have Occured in Amistad AreaNews Article1987Access HereAccess File
ORDINANCE NO. O:2009-009; Drought Contingency and Water Emergency PlanOrdinance2009Access Here
Recharge Variability in Semi-Arid ClimatesJournal Article2012Access Here
Effects of Brush Management on the Hydrologic Budget and Water Quality In and Adjacent to Honey Creek State Natural Area, Comal County, Texas, 2001–10Report2011Access Here
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Monitoring of Groundwater Inputs to Surface Waters Using an Economical Thermal Infrared CameraJournal Article2018Access Here
Drought in the Southwest, 1942-56: Effects of Drought in the Rio Grande BasinReport1963Access Here
SB 467 - 82(R) Relating to the powerBill2011Access Here
Karst Aquatic Ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau Region of Central Texas, USA: A Consideration of their Importance, Threats to their Existence, and Efforts for their ConservationJournal Article1993Access Here
Devils Lake Dam Del Rio, TexPhotographs1930'sAccess Here
HB 3 - 80(R) Relating to the management ofBill2007Access Here
HB 2409 - 77(R) Relating to restrictions on artificialBill2001Access Here
Anticipating Transboundary Water Needs and Issues in the Mexico - United States Border Region in the Rio Grande BasinJournal Article1982Access Here
Sycamore Canyon 2019 QuadrangleMap2019Access Here
Geologic Framework and Hydrogeologic Characteristics of the Edwards Aquifer Outcrop, Medina County, TexasReport2009Access Here
Judge discusses local issues with state legislatorsNews Article2019Access Here
District Management PlanReport2016Access Here
Road Logs: Stratigraphy and Structure of the Maverick Basin and Devils River Trend, Lower Cretaceous, Southwest TexasJournal Article1984Access Here
In Sonora, the Dry Devils River Comes to Life as Flash Flooding Creates Hellish ConditionsNews Article2018Access Here
The Geology of Val Verde CountyJournal Article1918Access Here
Devils River Power PlantPhotographs1968Access Here
The Devil's River Uplift and Val Verde Basin: Kinney, Uvalde and Val Verde Counties, TexasJournal Article1961Access Here
Seeing the LightWebpage2017Access Here
Eighteenth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey to the Secretary of the Interior, 1896-1897: Part II - Papers Chiefly of a Theoretical NatureReport1897Access Here
Surface water recharge in karst : Edwards-Trinity Aquifers-Nueces River systemThesis2015Access Here
Devil’s River State Natural Area High-flow Groundwater MapPresentation2019Access Here
Historical Potentiometric Surface of the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer System and Contiguous Hydraulically Connected Units, West-Central TexasReport1993Access Here
SwRI Study Links Groundwater with Surface Water in Devils RiverWebpage2017Access Here
Town's mayor promises fight on water line to S.A.News Article2013Access Here
Giant Railroad Bridge Removed For AmistadNews Article1969Access Here
Drainage‐Basin Evolution and Aquifer Development in a Karstic Limestone Terrain South‐Central Texas, U.S.A.Journal Article1979Access Here
SB 1896 - 79(R) Relating to the creationBill2005Access Here
Using Geophysics to Define Hydrostratigraphic Units in the Edwards and Trinity Aquifers, TexasPaper2007Access Here
The Edwards Aquifer: The Past, Present and Future of a Vital Water ResourceBook2019Access Here
NRCS Assisted Watershed Dams in Texas 23rd Congressional DistrictReport2013Access Here
Geologic Map Database of TexasWebpage2007Access Here
Stratigraphic Framework, Lower Cretaceous, West-Central TexasBook Section1969Access Here
Hazard Mitigation Plan UpdateReportAccess Here
Disappearing Rio GrandeBlog Post2014Access Here
Revision of Comanche Cretaceous Stratigraphic Nomenclature, Southern Edwards Plateau, Southwest TexasJournal Article1964Access Here
An Overview of the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer System, Central–West TexasReport2001Access Here
Lower Pecos CanyonlandsWebpage2008Access Here
Springs of TexasBook1981Access Here
Geology of the Santiago Peak Quadrangle, TexasJournal Article1943Access Here
Goodenough Spring, Texas, USA: Discharge and Water Chemistry of a Large Spring Deeply Submerged Under the Binational Amistad ReservoirJournal Article2008Access Here
An Integrated Stream Classification System for TexasReport2007-10Access Here
Devils River Flow Study - 09/26/06 - 09/28/06Map2006Access Here
Geologic Expressions of the Devils River Uplift, Kinney and Val Verde Counties, TexasJournal Article1984Access Here
Evaluation of automated techniques for base flow and recession analysesJournal ArticleNAAccess Here
Focused groundwater flow in a carbonate aquifer in a semi-arid
Journal Article2013Access Here
Val Verde County Groundwater StudiesWeb PageAccess Here
Paleohydrology of Southwestern TexasJournal ArticleVictor R. BakerAccess Here
Contemporary Status of the Rio Grande Cooter (Testudines: Emydidae: Pseudemys gorzugi) in Texas: Phylogenetic, Ecological and Conservation ConsiderationsPaper2019Access Here
Environmental Characteristics and Water Quality of Hydrologic Benchmark Network Stations in the West-Central United States, 1963-95ReportAccess Here
Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Fendlera (Hydrangeaceae)Journal ArticleAccess Here
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2022Access Here
Creek Care Leads to New SpeciesNews ArticleAccess Here
Conservation Genetics of an Undescribed Species of Dionda (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Drainage in Western TexasJournal Article2015Access Here
The Mosses of Texas. A Catalogue with AnnotationsJournal ArticleAccess Here
Regional Archeologists' Reports: Mountain/Pecos & PlainsJournal Article2015Access Here
Feds Must Reconsider Habitat Protection for Devils River MinnowWebpage2010Access Here
Minimal Genetic Structure In The Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)Journal Article2019Access Here
Evolutionary Relationships of Pupfishes in the Cyprinodon eximius Complex (Atherinomorpha: Cyprinodontiformes)Journal ArticleAccess Here
Records of Cicadas from North America with Descriptions of New SpeciesJournal ArticleAccess Here
Population Status and Threat Analysis for the Black-capped VireoReportAccess Here
A New Carolina WrenJournal Article2023Access Here
Karyotypes and Evolution of the Spinosus Group of Lizards in the Genus SceloporusThesis2014Access Here
Patterns of Mitochondrial Diversity among Desert Firefly Populations (Lampyridae: Microphotus octarthrus Fall)Journal Article2000Access Here
Collected Papers from Past Texas Archeological Society Summer Field SchoolsBook1969Access Here
Descriptions and Records of Bees-LVIIIPaper2013Access Here
Pseudemys gorzugi Ward Rio Grande CooterJournal ArticleAccess Here
A Preliminary Investigation Into the Use of Environmental DNA to Detect the Presence of Rare Eurycea Salamanders in the Devils River, TexasThesis2011Access Here
A Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from Arkansas, Indian Territory and Western TexasJournal Article2010Access Here
Styles of Rudist Buildup Development Along the Northern Margin of the Maverick Basin, Pecos River Canyon, Southwest TexasJournal ArticleAccess Here
Bufo PunctatusJournal ArticleAccess Here
Experimental Selective Rotenone Killing of Undesirable Fish Species in Flowing StreamsReport1968Access Here
The Vegetation Types of Texas Including CroplandDocument2010Access Here
Chihuahuan DesertscrubJournal Article1969Access Here
Reproductive and Feeding Ecology of Two Sympatric Dionda (Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Basin, TexasThesis1892Access Here
From Texas to San Diego in 1851: The Overland Journal of Dr. SW Woodhouse, Surgeon-naturalist of the Sitgreaves ExpeditionBook1878Access Here
The North American Species of MacrobrachiumJournal Article2019Access Here
Spatial Variability in the Speciation and Bioaccumulation of Mercury in an Arid Subtropical Reservoir EcosystemJournal Article1904Access Here
Devils River Flow Study - 09/26/06 - 09/28/06Map1994Access Here
Spread of an Exotic Fish-Gill TrematodeJournal Article1987Access Here
Don't Blow It: Unregulated Wind Farms Encroach on Pristine Texas WildernessNews Article2021Access Here
Fluctuating fire regimes and their historical effects on genetic variation in an endangered shrubland specialistJournal Article2013
Semi-Arid Shrublands Require Little On-Going Management to Remain Suitable for Black-Capped VireosJournal Article2016
Nesting Ecology of the Black-Capped Vireo in Southwest TexasJournal Article2012Access URL
Spring discharge and thermal regime of a groundwater dependent ecosystem
in an arid karst environment
Journal Article2020Access URL
Monitoring the effects of groundwater level on spring and stream discharge, stream temperature, and habitat
for Dionda diaboli in the Devils River
Report2018Access URL
E. K. FawcettWeb Page2003Access URL
E. K. Fawcett Recalls ExperiencesWeb Page2000Access URL
Devils River MinnowFact Sheet1999Access URL
Aquatic Fauna of the Northern Chihuahuan DesertReport2003Access URL
Distribution and Status of the Devils River MinnowJournal Article1992Access URL
Habitat associations of a semi-arid fish community in a karst spring-fed streamJournal Article2011Access URL
Part 1: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule To List the Devils River Minnow as ThreatenedDocument1999Access URL
Habitat Associations of Fishes in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2002Access URL
Devils River Minnow (Dionda diaboli) Recovery PlanRecovery Plan2005Access URL
Structure and Habitat Associations of Devils River Fish AssemblagesJournal Article1997Access URL
Ecological Profiles For Selected Stream-Dwelling Texas Freshwater Fishes IIContract Report1999Access URL
Spawning Behavior and Nest Association by Dionda diaboli in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2011Access URL
Threatened fishes of the world: Dionda diaboli Hubbs & Brown, 1956 (Cyprinidae)Journal Article2002Access URL
Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae), a New Minnow from TexasJournal Article1956Access URL
Questions and Answers: Devils River Minnow Critical HabitatFact Sheet2008Access URL
Effects of Smallmouth Bass on Habitat Selection by a Fish Assemblage of the Devils River, TexasThesis Paper2001Access URL
Progress Report: Devils River Minnow Genetic Characterization to Detect Population SubdivisionReport2006Access URL
Part 2: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Devils River Minnow; Final RuleDocument2008Access URL
Final Report for the Nature Conservancy in Fulfillment of Dolan Springs AssessmentReport2018Access URL
Occurrence of the Spotted Sunfish, Lepomis punctatus, in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article1990Access URL
Water quality and the composition of fish and macroinvertebrate communities in the Devils and Pecos Rivers within and upstream from the Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas, 2005-7Report2005Access URL
Rediscovery, Distribution, and Populational Status of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) in Devil's River, TexasJournal Article1980Access URL
Reestablishment of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) and Status of Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae) in the Vicinity of Dolan Creek, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article1990Access URL
Abundance and Distribution of Heterelmis cf. glabra (Coleoptera: Elmidae) within Dolan Falls Preserve and the Devils River State Natural Area, Texas, USAReport2020Access URL
Mesohabitat Associations of the Devil Tryonia, Tryonia diaboli (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea: Cochliopidae)Journal Article2020Access URL
Inventory of Terrestrial Mammals at Amistad National Recreation Area, TexasJournal Article2008Access URL
 Discovery of Endangered Mexican Blindcat,Prietella phreatophila, in Texas: Implications for International Groundwater Management and Evolution of the Regional Karst Aquifer BiotaJournal Article2017Access URL
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2013Access URL
Baseline Assessment Of The Bats Of Devils River State Natural Area, Dan A. Hughes Unit, Val Verde County, TexasReport2016Access URL
The cave fauna of Texas with special reference to the western Edwards PlateauReport1994Access URL
Phreatodrobia coronae, a new species of cave snail from southwestern TexasJournal Article1987Access URL
Species Status Assessment (SSA) Report for Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)Report2021Access URL
Composition, structure, and habitat associations of fish assemblages of the Dolan Falls PreserveReport1995Access URL
Evaluation of the Devils River Watershed Surface-Water/Groundwater Model for Determination of Pumping Impacts near Finnegan and Dolan SpringsReport2019Access URL
Devils River Hydroshed: Goals, Overview of Knowledge, and Research NeedsReport2005Access URL
Nesting Ecology of the Black-Capped Vireo in Southwest TexasJournal Article2012Access URL
Reconnaissance Investigation of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources of Selected Portions of the Devils River Basin,Val Verde, Crockett, and Sutton Counties, TexasReport2004Access URL
Semi-Arid Shrublands Require Little On-Going Management to Remain Suitable for Black-Capped VireosJournal Article2020Access URL
Fluctuating fire regimes and their historical effects on genetic variation in an endangered shrubland specialistJournal Article2015Access URL
Devils River Minnow Comprehensive Report from Pinto Creek and San Felipe Creek Report2014Access URL
Response of Devils River minnow and other fish in Pinto Creek, Kinney County, Texas during a severe droughtJournal Article2015Access URL
Species Status Assessment Report for the Texas Hornshell Version 1.2Report2018Access URL
Final Recovery Plan for Texas Hornshell (Popenaias popeii)Report2022Access URL
Texas Hornshell (Popenaias popeii) 5-Year Status Review: Summary and EvaluationReport2023Access URL
Historical Ecology of the Texas Hill CountryReport2019Access File
Revisiting Gunnar Brune’s “Major and Historical Springs of Texas” with an Analysis on the Fractal Character of SpringflowReport2024Access Here
On the hydrology of the Edwards Limestone, south-central TexasJournal Article1975
Conceptual model for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) aquifer system, TexasReport2004
Texas Aquifers Study: Groundwater Quantity, Quality, Flow, and Contributions to Surface WaterReport2016Access Here
Groundwater availability model for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley aquifers of TexasReport2009Access Here
Applied Groundwater Modeling, 2nd Edition2015
Fragmented patterns of flood change across the United StatesJournal Article2016Access Here
Springs of Kinney and Val Verde Counties. Prepared for: Plateau Region Water Planning Group.2005
lmomco—L-moments, censored L-moments, trimmed L-Moments, L-comoments, and many distributions: R package version 2.5.7, dated August 28, 2022, accessed on September 1, 20222021Access Here
Regression equations for estimation of annual peak-streamflow frequency for undeveloped watersheds in Texas using an L-moment-based, PRESS-minimized, residual-adjusted approachReport2009Access Here
Alternative regression equations for estimation of annual peak-streamflow frequency for undeveloped watersheds in Texas using PRESS minimizationReport2008Access Here
Geologic Atlas of Texas, Del Rio Sheet. Scale 1:250,0001977
U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Toolbox version 1.3.1, a graphical and mapping interface for analysis of hydrologic data: U.S. Geological Survey Software Release, 26 May 20172017Access Here
Verification of the first 11 years of IRI’s seasonal climate forecastsJournal Article2010Access Here
Karst spring catchment: an example from Dinaric karstJournal Article2015Access Here
Delineating contributing areas in Two Texas Karst Aquifers using NEXRAD rainfall EstimatesPh.D. Dissertation2008Access Here
Lower Devils River Watershed Restoration and Conservation Planning2022
Spring discharge and thermal regime of a groundwater dependent ecosystemin an arid karst environmentJournal Article2020Access Here
Drought and Pluvial Dipole Events within the Great Plains of the United StatesJournal Article2015Access Here
Slowing down as an early warning signal for abrupt climate change2008
Physiographically sensitive mapping of climatological temperature and precipitation across the conterminous United StatesJournal Article2008
Distribution of Juniperus woodlands in central Texas in relation to general abiotic site type2008
Quantification of karst aquifer discharge components during storm events through end-member mixing analysis using natural chemistry and stable isotopes as tracersJournal Article2006Access Here
A Texas Ranching Family, the Story of E.K. FawcettBook2007
The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS): Science motivation2014
Part 1: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule To List the Devils River Minnow as ThreatenedDocument1999Access Here
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designating Texas Hornshell Critical HabitatDocument2021Access Here
Evaluation for the Development of a Jacob’s Well Groundwater Management Zone Hays County, Texas2019Access Here
Semi-Centennial of Landsat Observations & Pending Landsat 9 LaunchJournal Article2021
The modern-era retrospective analysis for research and applications, version 2 (MERRA-2)Journal Article2017
Sustainable Yield of a Carbonate Aquifer Dominated by Preferential Flow: Devils River Watershed, South Texas, USA. Final ReportReport2015
Devils River WatershedBook2019Access Here
The global precipitation measurement mission2014
The TRMM multi-satellite precipitation analysis: Quasi-global, multi-year, combined- sensor precipitation estimates at fine scaleJournal Article2007
Barton Springs segment of the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer, central TexasBook2019Access Here
Hydrologic and Hydrogeologic Data, Upper Devils River, Val Verde County, Texas2022Access Here
Geologic map of the Dolan Springs Quadrangle, Val Verde County, Texas2023
Examining why trends in very heavy precipitation should not be mistaken for trends in very high river dischargeJournal Article2015Access Here
Technical Memorandum: Review of Water-Resource Management of the Devils River Watershed Report by Toll and others (2017)2018Access Here
The North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME): Phase-1 Seasonal to Interannual Prediction, Phase-2 Toward Developing Intra- Seasonal Prediction2013Access Here
Southern Great Plains2018Access Here
ESPERE—A Multiple-Method Microsoft Excel Application for Estimating Aquifer RechargeJournal Article2015
Water2018Access Here
A simple hydrologically based model of land surface water and energy fluxes for general circulation modelsJournal Article1994
In hot water? How climate change may (or may not) affect the groundwater resources of TexasJournal Article2008
Landsat 9: Empowering open science and applications through continuityJournal Article2020
A step increase in streamflow in the conterminous United StatesJournal Article2002Access Here
Stationarity is dead: Whither water management?Journal Article2008
Tree mortality from an exceptional drought spanning mesic to semiarid ecoregionsJournal Article2016Access Here
Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC)2018Access Here
Ecoregions of the Conterminous United States: Evolution of a Hierarchical Spatial FrameworkJournal Article2014
Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Geologic History, Edwards Plateau, Llano Uplift, and Hill Country, Texas2015
Estimates of Recharge and Surface Water—Groundwater Interactions for Aquifers in Central and West Texas2022
The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission: NASA Status and Early Results2014
U.S. Geological Survey, National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (STATEMAP)2022
Model-data fusion of hydrologic simulations and GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage observations to estimate changes in water table depthJournal Article2019Access Here
Multiple stable states in hydrological models: An ecohydrological investigationJournal Article2009Access Here
Watersheds may not recover from droughtJournal Article2021Access Here
PRISM Climate Group. 30-year Normal Mean Temperature: Annual. Period 1981-20102018aAccess Here
PRISM Climate Group. Average Annual Precipitation for Texas (West) (1981-2010)2018bAccess Here
data request by Marcus Gary2024
The source of water derived from wells—essential factors controlling the response of an aquifer to development1940
Daymet—Daily surface weather data on a 1-km grid for North America2020Access Here
Water-resource management of the Devils River watershed2017
Discharge measurements at gaging stations2010Access Here
Hydrologic Monitoring of Priority Habitats in the Devils RiverReport2021Access Here
Texas Conservation Action Plan 2012 – 20162012Access Here
Texas Conservation Action Plan2014Access Here
Automated groundwater level wells2012aAccess Here
Groundwater Database (GWDB) Reports2022bAccess Here
Monitoring the effects of groundwater level on spring and stream discharge, stream temperature, and habitat
for Dionda diaboli in the Devils River
Report2018Access Here
USGS water data for the Nation2022Access Here
Drainage basin delineation and preliminary hydrogeologic assessment of the Dolan Springs, Val Verde County, Texas1996
Improved methods for observing Earth's time variable mass distribution with GRACE using spherical cap masconsJournal Article2015
Overview of Groundwater Conditions in Val Verde County, Texas2018Access Here
Geology of the Carta Valley Fault Zone Area, Edwards, Kinney, and Val Verde Counties, Texas1982
Structural Analysis of Devils River Uplift—Southern Val Verde Basin, Southwest Texas1980
Woody plant encroachment paradox: Rivers rebound as degraded grasslands convert to woodlands2010Access Here
Generalized additive models—An introduction with R (2nd edition)Book2017
mgcv—Mixed GAM computation vehicle with automatic smoothness estimation: R package version 1.8–292022Access Here
Stream Piracy near the Balcones Fault Zone, Central TexasJournal Article1977
Drainage-basin evolution and aquifer development in a karstic limestone terrain, South-Central Texas, USAJournal Article1979
Geospatial data of watershed characteristics for select U.S. Geological Survey streamgaging stations in New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas useful for statistical study of annual peak streamflows in and near Texas2021Access Here
How streamflow has changed across Australia since the 1950s: evidence from the network of hydrologic reference stationsJournal Article2016Access Here
Devils River: Treacherous Twin to the Pecos: 1535-1900Book2011Access Here
Water-Resource Management of the Devils River WatershedReport2017Access Here
Large-scale rainfall simulation over shallow caves–Part II: effect of shrub removal2012
Investigating the Water Resources of the Western Edwards-Trinity Aquifer2010
Develop a Groundwater Flow Model to Understand the Groundwater Resources of the Lower Pecos River Watershed2016
Update of the Groundwater Availability Model for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) and Pecos Valley Aquifers of Texas2011
Rain Enhancement of Aquifer Recharge across the West Texas Weather Modification Association Target Area2014
Water well and ground-water chemical analysis data, Sutton County, Texas1972
Response of mean annual evapotranspiration to vegetation changes at catchment scale2001Access Here
Stream piracy and evolution of the Edwards Aquifer along the Balcones Escarpment, Central Texas.1986

Species & Flow

Pit Digging,' a Behavioral Feeding Adaptation in Pupfishes (Genus Cyprinodon)Journal Article1969Access URLAccess File
HB 2760 - 82(R) Relating to species-protection programs (04/05/2011 H Left pending in committee)Legislative Bill2011Access URL
Justicia (Acanthaceae) in TexasJournal Article2011Access URLAccess File
1997 Juniper Symposium ProceedingsBook1997Access URL
The Fishes of Texas and the Rio Grande Basin, Considered Chiefly with Reference to Their Geographic DistributionBook1894Access URL
Phylogenetic relationships of Moxostoma and Scartomyzon (Catostomidae) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence dataJournal Article2005Access URL
Food Habits and Notes on Life History of the Ring-Tailed Cat in TexasJournal Article1954Access URLAccess File
Fish and Wildlife Service Designates Critical Habitat for Devils River Minnow – Final Rule Slashes Original Proposal by Two-ThirdsWeb Page2008Access URL
Further Distribution Records for the Bigscale Logperch, Percina macrolepida (Osteichthyes: Percidae) from Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana with Notes on Its Occurrence in CaliforniaJournal Article1978Access URLAccess File
SB 1595 - 82(R) Relating to species-protection Legislative Bill2011Access URL
Conservation Area Plan for the Devils RiverReport2004Access URL
Morphometrics and Evolution of Speodesmus in Central Texas Caves (Diplopoda, Polydesmida)Report1976Access URL
Characterization of Genetic Structure and Levels of Variation in Wild and Captive Populations of Devils River MinnowReport2007Access URL
Virtual Extinction of Gambusia amistadensis n. sp., a Poeciliid Fish from TexasJournal Article1973Access URLAccess File
Redescription of the Texas Shiner Notropis amabilis from the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico with the Reinstatement of N. megalops (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)Journal Article2016Access URL
Devils River Landowners Say Wind Farms Threaten Wild Character of Texas' Last Untamed RiverNews Article2018Access URL
Black-Capped Vireo Recovery PlanReport1991Access URL
Habitat Associations of a Semi-Arid Fish Community in a Karst Spring-Fed StreamJournal Article2021Access URL
Distributional Patterns of Texas Fresh-Water FishesJournal Article1957Access URLAccess File
Birds of Tom Green and Concho Counties, Texas (Concluded)Book Section1887Access URL
Inventory of Species Present and Their Distribution in Those Portions of the Devil's River, Excluding Devil's Lake and Lake Walk Which Lie within Val Verde Co., TexasReport1954Access URL
Oaks of Trans-Pecos TexasJournal Article1940Access URLAccess File
Cyprinid Fishes of the Subgenus Cyprinella of Notropis from Southeast Texas, USA, and Northeast MexicoThesis1972Access URL
Prairie DogWebpage2010Access URL
Holistic Perspective on JuniperWebpageAccess URL
Appraisal Of The Archeology Resources Of Diablo Reservoir Val Verde County, TexasDocument1958Access URL
Agency report for Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentPresentation1990Access URL
Managing Brown‐Headed Cowbirds to Sustain Abundance of Black‐Capped VireosJournal Article2013Access URL
Expanding the Known Ranges of the Phreatic Snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cochliopidae) of Texas, USAJournal Article2020Access URL
Color Pattern Variation in Crotalus lepidus lepidus (Viperidae) in Southwestern TexasJournal Article1982Access URLAccess File
Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of the Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi) Within Lotic EcosystemsReport2018Access URL
Devils River MinnowDocumentAccess URL
Phreatodrobia coronae, a New Species of Cavesnail from Southwestern TexasJournal Article1987Access URL
The Conflict between Endangered Species and the State Water Plan: Will New Listings under the Endangered Species Act Thwart the State Water Planning Process?Report2014Access URL
Status Survey of Devil's River Minnow in Historic Range with Emphasis on Coahuila, MexicoReport2007Access URL
An Electrophoretic and Multivariate Morphometric Comparison of the American Catfishes Ictalurus lupus and I. punctatusJournal Article1986Access URLAccess File
Distribution of Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) in TexasJournal Article2001Access URLAccess File
A Study of Chaptalia (Asteraceae: Mutisieae) in Central, Southern, and Western Texas and the Resurrection of Chaptalia carduaceaJournal Article2011Access URL
Instream Flow-Habitat Relationships in the Upper Rio Grande River BasinReport2012Access URL
Conservation Agreement, Devils River minnow Dionda diaboliDocument1998Access URL
A Preliminary Analysis of the River Carpsuckers, Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque), in the Southern Portion of its RangeJournal Article2002Access URL
A New Athyroglossa, with a Key to North American Species (Diptera: Ephydridae)Journal Article1970Access URLAccess File
Population Status and Life History Attributes of the Texas Shiner Notropis amabilisJournal Article2017Access URL
Exotic Armored Catfishes in Texas: Reproductive Biology, and Effects of Foraging on Egg Survival of Native Fishes (Etheostoma fonticola, Endangered and Dionda diaboli, Threatened)Thesis2009Access URL
Woody Plant Encroachment: Causes and ConsequencesJournal Article2017Access URL
The Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Dolan Falls Ranch, Val Verde County, Texas: Species Composition and Community AttributesThesis1996Access URL
Texas Rancher An Unlikely EnvironmentalistRadio Broadcast2010Access URL
Historical Changes in Stocking Densities on Texas RangelandsJournal Article2012Access URL
A Survey of the Mammals of Devils River State Natural Area and Relative Abundance of Small Mammals in the Area (Texas)Journal Article2000Access URL
Devils River State Natural Area, TexasMagazine ArticleNAAccess URL
A Preliminary Survey of the Vertebrate Fauna of the Dolan Falls - Dolan Creek AreaBook Section1975Access URL
Domal, Thrombolitic, Microbialite Biostromes and Associated Lithofacies in the Upper Albian Devils River Trend Along the Northern, High-Energy Margin of the MaverickJournal Article2018Access URL
An Annotated Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of Texas, with Keys to Identification of Species, 2nd EditionJournal Article2008Access URL
Notes on Amphibians and Reptiles from the Central United StatesJournal Article1944Access URL
The Mammals of Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas: 2005 Final ReportReport2011Access URL
Threatened Fishes of the World: Cyprinodon eximius Girard 1859Journal Article2005Access URL
Texas' Devils River Minnow ThreatenedNews Article1999Access URLAccess File
Documented Chromosome Numbers 2005: 2. Counts from Western Texas, Mostly Trans-Pecos CactiJournal Article2005Access URLAccess File
Geographic Isolation Facilitates the Evolution of Reproductive Isolation and Morphological DivergenceJournal Article2017Access URL
Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae), a New Minnow from TexasJournal Article1956Access URLAccess File
Freshwater Mussels of TexasBook1996Access URL
Extensive Interspecific Genetic Compatibility in the New World Killifish Genus CyprinodonJournal Article1977Access URLAccess File
New Species of Gambusia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from Del Rio, TexasJournal Article2003Access URL
Devils River Hydro PlantsWebpage2017Access URL
Effects of Temperature on Captive-Bred Devils River MinnowsJournal Article2013Access URL
The Devils ProblemMagazine Article2014Access URL
Karst Aquatic Ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau Region of Central Texas, USA: A Consideration of their Importance, Threats to their Existence, and Efforts for their ConservationJournal Article1993Access URL
April 28th; Description of Six New Species of Fresh Water and Land Shells of Texas and Tamaulipas, from the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution.; Examination of a Nickel Meteorite, from Oktibbeha County, MississippiJournal Article1857Access URLAccess File
Amistad Receives 73,000 StripersNews Article1976Access URL
Texas Freshwater Fish Assemblages following Three Decades of Environmental ChangeJournal Article1995Access URLAccess File
Water-Resource Management of the Devils River WatershedReport2017Access URL
Long‐Term Mark‐and‐Recapture Study of a Freshwater Mussel Reveals Patterns of Habitat Use and an Association between Survival and River DischargeJournal Article2014Access URL
The Zooarcheology of Hinds Cave, Val Verde County, TexasThesis1984Access URL
Effects of an Introduced Predator on the Native Fish Assemblage in the Devils River, TexasThesis1999Access URLAccess File
Distribution of the Headwater Catfish Ictalurus lupus (Osteichthyes: Ictaluridae)Journal Article1990Access URLAccess File
New and Additional Records of Texas Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera)Journal Article1997Access URLAccess File
Microsatellite Markers for Species of the Genus Dionda (Cyprinidae) from the American SouthwestJournal Article2009Access URL
Subgenera and Species Groups in the Poeciliid Fish Genus Gambusia PoeyJournal Article1963Access URLAccess File
Texas Pteridophyta: IJournal Article1919Access URLAccess File
A New Subgenus of Intranasal Chiggers of the Genus Microtrombicula from North America and KoreaJournal Article1970Access URL
Texas Pteridophyta: IIJournal Article1919Access URLAccess File
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule to List the Devils River Minnow as ThreatenedReport1999Access URL
Response of the Devil's River (Texas) Fish Community to FloodingJournal Article1978Access URLAccess File
Birds of the Texas Hill CountryBook2010Access URL
Habitat Suitability Modeling of Peromyscus pectoralis (White-Ankled Mouse) in Val Verde Co., TexasThesis2015Access URL
Speciation in the North American Genus Dionda ((Teleostei, Cypriniformes)Book Section1992Access URL
Contemporary Status of the Rio Grande Cooter (Testudines: Emydidae: Pseudemys gorzugi) in Texas: Phylogenetic, Ecological and Conservation ConsiderationsPaper2004Access URL
Environmental Characteristics and Water Quality of Hydrologic Benchmark Network Stations in the West-Central United States, 1963-95Report2000Access URL
Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Fendlera (Hydrangeaceae)Journal Article2001Access URL
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2013Access URL
Creek Care Leads to New SpeciesNews Article2004Access URL
Conservation Genetics of an Undescribed Species of Dionda (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Drainage in Western TexasJournal Article2013Access URLAccess File
The Mosses of Texas. A Catalogue with AnnotationsJournal Article1954Access URLAccess File
Regional Archeologists' Reports: Mountain/Pecos & PlainsJournal Article2009Access URL
Feds Must Reconsider Habitat Protection for Devils River MinnowWebpage2006Access URL
Minimal Genetic Structure In The Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)Journal Article2008Access URL
Evolutionary Relationships of Pupfishes in the Cyprinodon eximius Complex (Atherinomorpha: Cyprinodontiformes)Journal Article1998Access URLAccess File
Records of Cicadas from North America with Descriptions of New SpeciesJournal Article1921Access URLAccess File
Population Status and Threat Analysis for the Black-capped VireoReport2006Access URL
A New Carolina WrenJournal Article1946Access URLAccess File
Karyotypes and Evolution of the Spinosus Group of Lizards in the Genus SceloporusThesis1969Access URL
Patterns of Mitochondrial Diversity among Desert Firefly Populations (Lampyridae: Microphotus octarthrus Fall)Journal Article2005Access URL
Collected Papers from Past Texas Archeological Society Summer Field SchoolsBook2008Access URL
Descriptions and Records of Bees-LVIIIPaper1914Access URL
Pseudemys gorzugi Ward Rio Grande CooterJournal Article1990Access URL
A Preliminary Investigation Into the Use of Environmental DNA to Detect the Presence of Rare Eurycea Salamanders in the Devils River, TexasThesis2014Access URL
A Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from Arkansas, Indian Territory and Western TexasJournal Article1903Access URLAccess File
Styles of Rudist Buildup Development Along the Northern Margin of the Maverick Basin, Pecos River Canyon, Southwest TexasJournal Article2002Access URL
Bufo PunctatusJournal Article1999Access URL
Experimental Selective Rotenone Killing of Undesirable Fish Species in Flowing StreamsReport1958Access URL
The Vegetation Types of Texas Including CroplandDocument1984Access URL
Chihuahuan DesertscrubJournal Article1982Access URL
Reproductive and Feeding Ecology of Two Sympatric Dionda (Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Basin, TexasThesis2011Access URL
From Texas to San Diego in 1851: The Overland Journal of Dr. SW Woodhouse, Surgeon-naturalist of the Sitgreaves ExpeditionBook2007Access URL
The North American Species of MacrobrachiumJournal Article1949Access URL
Spatial Variability in the Speciation and Bioaccumulation of Mercury in an Arid Subtropical Reservoir EcosystemJournal Article2011Access URL
Devils River Flow Study - 09/26/06 - 09/28/06Map2006Access URL
Spread of an Exotic Fish-Gill TrematodeJournal Article2005Access URL
Don't Blow It: Unregulated Wind Farms Encroach on Pristine Texas WildernessNews Article2019Access URL
Fluctuating fire regimes and their historical effects on genetic variation in an endangered shrubland specialistJournal Article2015Access URL
Semi-Arid Shrublands Require Little On-Going Management to Remain Suitable for Black-Capped VireosJournal Article2020Access URL
Nesting Ecology of the Black-Capped Vireo in Southwest TexasJournal Article2012Access URL
Spring discharge and thermal regime of a groundwater dependent ecosystem
in an arid karst environment
Journal Article2020Access URL
Monitoring the effects of groundwater level on spring and stream discharge, stream temperature, and habitat
for Dionda diaboli in the Devils River
Report2018Access URL
E. K. FawcettWeb Page2003Access URL
E. K. Fawcett Recalls ExperiencesWeb Page2000Access URL
Devils River MinnowFact Sheet1999Access URL
Aquatic Fauna of the Northern Chihuahuan DesertReport2003Access URL
Distribution and Status of the Devils River MinnowJournal Article1992Access URL
Habitat associations of a semi-arid fish community in a karst spring-fed streamJournal Article2011Access URL
Part 1: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule To List the Devils River Minnow as ThreatenedDocument1999Access URL
Habitat Associations of Fishes in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2002Access URL
Devils River Minnow (Dionda diaboli) Recovery PlanRecovery Plan2005Access URL
Structure and Habitat Associations of Devils River Fish AssemblagesJournal Article1997Access URL
Ecological Profiles For Selected Stream-Dwelling Texas Freshwater Fishes IIContract Report1999Access URL
Spawning Behavior and Nest Association by Dionda diaboli in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2011Access URL
Threatened fishes of the world: Dionda diaboli Hubbs & Brown, 1956 (Cyprinidae)Journal Article2002Access URL
Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae), a New Minnow from TexasJournal Article1956Access URL
Questions and Answers: Devils River Minnow Critical HabitatFact Sheet2008Access URL
Effects of Smallmouth Bass on Habitat Selection by a Fish Assemblage of the Devils River, TexasThesis Paper2001Access URL
Progress Report: Devils River Minnow Genetic Characterization to Detect Population SubdivisionReport2006Access URL
Part 2: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Devils River Minnow; Final RuleDocument2008Access URL
Final Report for the Nature Conservancy in Fulfillment of Dolan Springs AssessmentReport2018Access URL
Occurrence of the Spotted Sunfish, Lepomis punctatus, in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article1990Access URL
Water quality and the composition of fish and macroinvertebrate communities in the Devils and Pecos Rivers within and upstream from the Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas, 2005-7Report2005Access URL
Rediscovery, Distribution, and Populational Status of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) in Devil's River, TexasJournal Article1980Access URL
Reestablishment of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) and Status of Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae) in the Vicinity of Dolan Creek, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article1990Access URL
Abundance and Distribution of Heterelmis cf. glabra (Coleoptera: Elmidae) within Dolan Falls Preserve and the Devils River State Natural Area, Texas, USAReport2020Access URL
Mesohabitat Associations of the Devil Tryonia, Tryonia diaboli (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea: Cochliopidae)Journal Article2020Access URL
Inventory of Terrestrial Mammals at Amistad National Recreation Area, TexasJournal Article2008Access URL
 Discovery of Endangered Mexican Blindcat,Prietella phreatophila, in Texas: Implications for International Groundwater Management and Evolution of the Regional Karst Aquifer BiotaJournal Article2017Access URL
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2013Access URL
Baseline Assessment Of The Bats Of Devils River State Natural Area, Dan A. Hughes Unit, Val Verde County, TexasReport2016Access URL
The cave fauna of Texas with special reference to the western Edwards PlateauReport1994Access URL
Phreatodrobia coronae, a new species of cave snail from southwestern TexasJournal Article1987Access URL
Species Status Assessment (SSA) Report for Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)Report2021Access URL
Composition, structure, and habitat associations of fish assemblages of the Dolan Falls PreserveReport1995Access URL
Evaluation of the Devils River Watershed Surface-Water/Groundwater Model for Determination of Pumping Impacts near Finnegan and Dolan SpringsReport2019Access URL
Devils River Hydroshed: Goals, Overview of Knowledge, and Research NeedsReport2005Access URL
Nesting Ecology of the Black-Capped Vireo in Southwest TexasJournal Article2012Access URL
Reconnaissance Investigation of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources of Selected Portions of the Devils River Basin,Val Verde, Crockett, and Sutton Counties, TexasReport2004Access URL
Semi-Arid Shrublands Require Little On-Going Management to Remain Suitable for Black-Capped VireosJournal Article2020Access URL
Fluctuating fire regimes and their historical effects on genetic variation in an endangered shrubland specialistJournal Article2015Access URL
Devils River Minnow Comprehensive Report from Pinto Creek and San Felipe Creek Report2014Access URL
Response of Devils River minnow and other fish in Pinto Creek, Kinney County, Texas during a severe droughtJournal Article2015Access URL
Species Status Assessment Report for the Texas Hornshell Version 1.2Report2018Access URL
Final Recovery Plan for Texas Hornshell (Popenaias popeii)Report2022Access URL
Texas Hornshell (Popenaias popeii) 5-Year Status Review: Summary and EvaluationReport2023Access URL
Relationship Between Stream Discharge and Habitat Availability for the Devils River Minnow (Dionda diaboli) and Other Native Fishes in Portions of the Devils River and Dolan Creek, Val Verde County, TexasReport2014Access Here
Spring discharge and thermal regime of a groundwater dependent ecosystem in an arid karst environmentJournal Article2020Access Here
Multi-Sensor Approach to Improve Bathymetric Lidar Mapping of Semi-Arid Groundwater-Dependent Streams: Devils River, TexasJournal Article2020Access Here
Developing the Science and Public Support Needed to Preserve the Devils River: A Case Study in Collaborative ConservationJournal Article2019Access Here
A Herpetological Inventory of Chihuahuan Desert National ParksConference Paper2014
Access Here
The Devils River and Texas Hornshell (Popenaias popeii) Occurrence and Mesohabitat AssociationsReport2017
Conservation Genetics of the Comal Springs Riffle Beetle (Heterelmis comalensis) Populations in Central Texas, with Examination of Molecular and Morphological Variation in Heterelmis Sp. Throughout TexasThesis2008
Fish Assemblage Structure and Associations with Environmental Conditions in a Texas Spring-Fed RiverThesis2009
Reproductive and Feeding Ecology of Two Sympatric Dionda (Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Basin, TexasThesis2011,%20TX.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=l9MrJs
Typhloelmis Barr (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae), a New Stygobiontic Riffle Beetle Genus with Three New Species from Texas, USAJournal Article2015,%20new%20stygobiontic%20riffle%20beetle%20genus%20with%203%20new%20species%20fro%20m%20TX,%20USA.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=7aLEzt
Description of a new genus and species of Bathynellidae (Crustacea: Bathynellacea) from Texas based on morphological and molecular charactersJournal Article2017
Culture Studies of the Devils River MinnowJournal Article2005DOI: 10.1577/A04-077.1
Habitat and Substrate Use in Reproduction of Captive Devils River MinnowJournal Article2004
Habitat Associations of Fishes in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2011
Conservation Genetics of Six Species of Genus Dionda (Cyprinidae) In the Southwestern United StatesJournal Article2015
Epicauta polingi (Coleóptera: Meloidae) Feeding on Mountain Laurel (Sophora secundiflora) and Guajillo (Acacia berlandieri) in West TexasJournal Article2014
Three new microcerberids (Isopoda: Microcerberidae) from subterranean freshwater habitats in Texas, USAJournal Article2021
Habitat associations of a semi-arid fish community in a karst spring-fed streamJournal Article2012
Bicornucandona gen. nov., sp. nov. (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Finegan Springs (Texas, U.S.A.)Journal Article2011,%20sp.%20nov.%20(Crustacea,%20Ostracoda)%20from%20Finegan%20Springs%20(TX,%20USA).pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=twwcH3
Temperature responses vary between riffle beetles from contrasting aquatic environmentsJournal Article2023
Pollination Biology of Hesperaloe parvifloraJournal Article1997
Agnostic and Courtship Behaviors in Dionda Diaboli, the Devils River MinnowJournal Article2009,%20the%20Devils%20River%20minnow.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=eaFHwN
Developing the Science and Public Support Needed to Preserve the Devils River: A Case Study in Collaborative ConservationJournal Article2019Access Here
Dolan Falls Ranch: report on a brief botanical survey (F92CAR82TXUS)Report1992Access Here
Geologic Atlas of Texas1977Access Here
Patterns on the Landscape of the Dan A. Hughes Unit of Devils River State Natural Area, Val Verde County, TexasBook2016Access Here
Springs of TexasBook1981Access Here
Habitat associations of a semi-arid fish community in a karst spring-fed streamJournal Article2012Access Here
Living Planet Report 2022-Building a Nature-Positive Society2022Access Here
Living Planet Report 2020-Bending the curve of biodiversity loss: a deep dive into freshwater2020Access Here
Reestablishment of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) and Status of Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae) in the Vicinity of Dolan Creek, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article1990Access Here
Conserving Texas Biodiversity: Status, Trends, and Conservation Planning for Fishes of Greatest Conservation Need2018Access Here
Environmental Flows Recommendations Report2012Access Here
Texas water rights viewer2024Access Here
2022 State Water Plan: Water for Texas2022Access Here
Overview of Groundwater Conditions in Val Verde County, Texas2018Access Here
A Watershed Protection Plan for the Pecos River in Texas2008Access Here
Evaluation of Ground-Water Resources in Parts of Loving, Pecos, Reeves, Ward, and Winkler Counties, Texas1990Access Here
Will Water Issues Constrain Oil and Gas Production in the United States?2020Access Here
Water Quantity and Quality Challenges from Elephant Butte to Amistad2013Access Here
Influence of Tributaries on Salinity of Amistad International Reservoir2006Access Here
Water-Quality Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 1900-20152019Access Here
Crude Oil, Gas Well Liquids or Associated Products (H-8) Loss Reports2020Access Here
Field Water Quality2020Access Here
Species Composition and Diversity of Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Lower Devil’s River, Texas1980Access Here
Devils River WatershedBook2019Access Here
2022 Texas Integrated Report2022Access Here
Water Quality and the Composition of Fish and Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Devils and Pecos Rivers In and Upstream from the Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas, 2005–7Report2012Access Here
Vegetation Cover Dataset2022Access Here
National Land Cover Database 2019 - Landcover & Imperviousness (NLCD2019)2021Access Here
Midstream Pipelines2024aAccess Here
Wells2024bAccess Here
Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems2014Access Here
Dissolved Oxygen Fluctuations in Karst Spring Flow and Implications for Endemic Species: Barton Springs, Edwards Aquifer, Texas, USA2013Access Here
Assessment of Historic and Future Trends of Extreme Weather in Texas, 1900-2036: 2021 Update2021Access Here
Potential Abiotic and Biotic Impacts of Zebra Mussels on the Inland Waters of North America1996Access Here
History of spread and current distribution of Corbicula fluminea (Muller) in TexasJournal Article2005Access Here
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2013Access Here
Devils River State Natural Area - Baseline Vegetation StudyReport1999Access Here
Impacts of the invasive reed Arundo donax on biodiversity at the community-ecosystem level2007Access Here
Fishes of Texas Project Database (Version 3.0)2022Access Here
Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae), a New Minnow from TexasJournal Article1956Access Here
Reproductive and Feeding Ecology of Two Sympatric Dionda (Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Basin, TexasThesis2011Access Here
Habitat and Substrate Use in Reproduction of Captive Devils River MinnowJournal Article2004Access Here
Culture Studies of the Devils River MinnowJournal Article2005Access Here
Spawning Behavior and Nest Association by Dionda diaboli in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2011Access Here
Devils River Minnow (Dionda diaboli) Recovery PlanRecovery Plan2005Access Here
April 28th; Description of Six New Species of Fresh Water and Land Shells of Texas and Tamaulipas, from the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution.; Examination of a Nickel Meteorite, from Oktibbeha County, MississippiJournal Article1857Access Here
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; endangered species status for Texas Hornshell2018Access Here
Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; three species not warranted for listing as endangered or threatened species2022Access Here
Typhloelmis Barr (Coleoptera: Elmidae: Elminae), a New Stygobiontic Riffle Beetle Genus with Three New Species from Texas, USAJournal Article2015Access Here
Expanding the Known Ranges of the Phreatic Snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cochliopidae) of Texas, USAJournal Article2020Access Here
Abundance and Distribution of Heterelmis cf. glabra (Coleoptera: Elmidae) within Dolan Falls Preserve and the Devils River State Natural Area, Texas, USAReport2020Access Here
Temperature responses vary between riffle beetles from contrasting aquatic environmentsJournal Article2023Access Here
Paleohydrology of Southwestern TexasJournal Article1982Access Here
Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), version 2.0.2022Access Here
Baseline Assessment Of The Bats Of Devils River State Natural Area, Dan A. Hughes Unit, Val Verde County, TexasReport2016Access Here
A Preliminary Survey of the Vertebrate Fauna of the Dolan Falls - Dolan Creek AreaBook Section1975Access Here
Inventory of Species Present and Their Distribution in Those Portions of the Devil's River, Excluding Devil's Lake and Lake Walk Which Lie within Val Verde Co., TexasReport1954Access Here

Water Quality

TITLEType of WorkYearSource URL
Pit Digging,' a Behavioral Feeding Adaptation in Pupfishes (Genus Cyprinodon)Journal Article1995Access Here
HB 2760 - 82(R) Relating to species-protection programs (04/05/2011 H Left pending in committee)Book1904Access Here
Justicia (Acanthaceae) in TexasReport2013Access Here
1997 Juniper Symposium ProceedingsReport2007Access Here
The Fishes of Texas and the Rio Grande Basin, Considered Chiefly with Reference to Their Geographic DistributionReport2021Access Here
Phylogenetic relationships of Moxostoma and Scartomyzon (Catostomidae) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence dataNews Article1930Access Here
Food Habits and Notes on Life History of the Ring-Tailed Cat in TexasBill2013Access Here
Fish and Wildlife Service Designates Critical Habitat for Devils River Minnow – Final Rule Slashes Original Proposal by Two-ThirdsWebpageNAAccess Here
Further Distribution Records for the Bigscale Logperch, Percina macrolepida (Osteichthyes: Percidae) from Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana with Notes on Its Occurrence in CaliforniaThesis1965Access Here
SB 1595 - 82(R) Relating to species-protection Journal Article2003Access Here
Conservation Area Plan for the Devils RiverJournal Article2018Access Here
Morphometrics and Evolution of Speodesmus in Central Texas Caves (Diplopoda, Polydesmida)News Article1925Access Here
Characterization of Genetic Structure and Levels of Variation in Wild and Captive Populations of Devils River MinnowReport2011Access Here
Virtual Extinction of Gambusia amistadensis n. sp., a Poeciliid Fish from TexasBill2007Access Here
Redescription of the Texas Shiner Notropis amabilis from the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico with the Reinstatement of N. megalops (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)Blog2019Access Here
Devils River Landowners Say Wind Farms Threaten Wild Character of Texas' Last Untamed RiverJournal Article1986Access Here
Black-Capped Vireo Recovery PlanReport2016Access Here
Habitat Associations of a Semi-Arid Fish Community in a Karst Spring-Fed StreamJournal Article2013Access Here
Distributional Patterns of Texas Fresh-Water FishesReport1976Access Here
Birds of Tom Green and Concho Counties, Texas (Concluded)Report2000Access Here
Inventory of Species Present and Their Distribution in Those Portions of the Devil's River, Excluding Devil's Lake and Lake Walk Which Lie within Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2013Access Here
Oaks of Trans-Pecos TexasJournal Article2008Access Here
Cyprinid Fishes of the Subgenus Cyprinella of Notropis from Southeast Texas, USA, and Northeast MexicoJournal Article2011Access Here
Prairie DogReport2000Access Here
Holistic Perspective on JuniperReport2004Access Here
Appraisal Of The Archeology Resources Of Diablo Reservoir Val Verde County, TexasReport2004Access Here
Agency report for Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentReport 2018Access Here
Managing Brown‐Headed Cowbirds to Sustain Abundance of Black‐Capped VireosBook2011Access Here
Expanding the Known Ranges of the Phreatic Snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cochliopidae) of Texas, USAWebpage2023Access Here
Color Pattern Variation in Crotalus lepidus lepidus (Viperidae) in Southwestern TexasReport 2006Access Here
Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of the Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi) Within Lotic Ecosystems
Devils River MinnowDocument1999Access Here
Phreatodrobia coronae, a New Species of Cavesnail from Southwestern TexasJournal Article2019Access Here
The Conflict between Endangered Species and the State Water Plan: Will New Listings under the Endangered Species Act Thwart the State Water Planning Process?Report1966Access Here
Status Survey of Devil's River Minnow in Historic Range with Emphasis on Coahuila, MexicoReport2012Access Here
An Electrophoretic and Multivariate Morphometric Comparison of the American Catfishes Ictalurus lupus and I. punctatusJournal ArticleNAAccess Here
Distribution of Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) in TexasJournal Article1974Access Here
A Study of Chaptalia (Asteraceae: Mutisieae) in Central, Southern, and Western Texas and the Resurrection of Chaptalia carduaceaJournal Article2019Access Here
Instream Flow-Habitat Relationships in the Upper Rio Grande River BasinReport2016Access Here
Conservation Agreement, Devils River minnow Dionda diaboliDocument1919Access Here
A Preliminary Analysis of the River Carpsuckers, Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque), in the Southern Portion of its RangeJournal Article1973Access Here
A New Athyroglossa, with a Key to North American Species (Diptera: Ephydridae)Journal Article1974Access Here
Population Status and Life History Attributes of the Texas Shiner Notropis amabilisJournal Article2013Access Here
Exotic Armored Catfishes in Texas: Reproductive Biology, and Effects of Foraging on Egg Survival of Native Fishes (Etheostoma fonticola, Endangered and Dionda diaboli, Threatened)Thesis1977Access Here
Woody Plant Encroachment: Causes and ConsequencesJournal Article1969Access Here
The Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Dolan Falls Ranch, Val Verde County, Texas: Species Composition and Community AttributesThesis1974Access Here
Texas Rancher An Unlikely EnvironmentalistRadio Broadcast2003Access Here
Historical Changes in Stocking Densities on Texas RangelandsJournal Article2019Access Here
A Survey of the Mammals of Devils River State Natural Area and Relative Abundance of Small Mammals in the Area (Texas)Journal Article2005Access Here
Devils River State Natural Area, TexasMagazine Article1900Access Here
A Preliminary Survey of the Vertebrate Fauna of the Dolan Falls - Dolan Creek AreaBook Section2013Access Here
Domal, Thrombolitic, Microbialite Biostromes and Associated Lithofacies in the Upper Albian Devils River Trend Along the Northern, High-Energy Margin of the MaverickJournal Article2007Access Here
An Annotated Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of Texas, with Keys to Identification of Species, 2nd EditionJournal Article2001Access Here
Notes on Amphibians and Reptiles from the Central United StatesJournal ArticleAccess Here
The Mammals of Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas: 2005 Final ReportReportDec. 11­-13, 1978Access Here
Threatened Fishes of the World: Cyprinodon eximius Girard 1859Journal Article2016Access Here
Texas' Devils River Minnow ThreatenedNews Article2013Access Here
Documented Chromosome Numbers 2005: 2. Counts from Western Texas, Mostly Trans-Pecos CactiJournal ArticleAccess Here
Geographic Isolation Facilitates the Evolution of Reproductive Isolation and Morphological DivergenceJournal Article2019Access Here
Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae), a New Minnow from TexasJournal Article2019Access Here
Freshwater Mussels of TexasBook2017Access Here
Extensive Interspecific Genetic Compatibility in the New World Killifish Genus CyprinodonJournal Article2009Access Here
New Species of Gambusia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from Del Rio, TexasJournal Article2014Access Here
Devils River Hydro PlantsWebpage2008Access Here
Effects of Temperature on Captive-Bred Devils River MinnowsJournal Article2017Access Here
The Devils ProblemMagazine Article2014Access Here
Karst Aquatic Ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau Region of Central Texas, USA: A Consideration of their Importance, Threats to their Existence, and Efforts for their ConservationJournal Article2014Access Here
April 28th; Description of Six New Species of Fresh Water and Land Shells of Texas and Tamaulipas, from the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution.; Examination of a Nickel Meteorite, from Oktibbeha County, MississippiJournal Article2014Access Here
Amistad Receives 73,000 StripersNews Article2018Access Here
Texas Freshwater Fish Assemblages following Three Decades of Environmental ChangeJournal Article2014Access Here
Water-Resource Management of the Devils River WatershedReport2016Access Here
Long‐Term Mark‐and‐Recapture Study of a Freshwater Mussel Reveals Patterns of Habitat Use and an Association between Survival and River DischargeJournal Article2017Access Here
The Zooarcheology of Hinds Cave, Val Verde County, TexasThesis2012Access Here
Effects of an Introduced Predator on the Native Fish Assemblage in the Devils River, TexasThesis2012Access Here
Distribution of the Headwater Catfish Ictalurus lupus (Osteichthyes: Ictaluridae)Journal Article2010Access Here
New and Additional Records of Texas Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera)Journal Article1929Access Here
Microsatellite Markers for Species of the Genus Dionda (Cyprinidae) from the American SouthwestJournal Article2004Access Here
Subgenera and Species Groups in the Poeciliid Fish Genus Gambusia PoeyJournal Article2018Access Here
Texas Pteridophyta: IJournal Article2017Access Here
A New Subgenus of Intranasal Chiggers of the Genus Microtrombicula from North America and KoreaJournal Article2018Access Here
Texas Pteridophyta: IIJournal Article2014Access Here
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule to List the Devils River Minnow as ThreatenedReport2014Access Here
Response of the Devil's River (Texas) Fish Community to FloodingJournal Article2018Access Here
Birds of the Texas Hill CountryBook2021Access Here
Habitat Suitability Modeling of Peromyscus pectoralis (White-Ankled Mouse) in Val Verde Co., TexasThesis2023Access Here
Speciation in the North American Genus Dionda ((Teleostei, Cypriniformes)Book Section2023Access Here
Contemporary Status of the Rio Grande Cooter (Testudines: Emydidae: Pseudemys gorzugi) in Texas: Phylogenetic, Ecological and Conservation ConsiderationsPaper2019Access Here
Environmental Characteristics and Water Quality of Hydrologic Benchmark Network Stations in the West-Central United States, 1963-95ReportAccess Here
Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Fendlera (Hydrangeaceae)Journal ArticleAccess Here
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2022Access Here
Creek Care Leads to New SpeciesNews ArticleAccess Here
Conservation Genetics of an Undescribed Species of Dionda (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Drainage in Western TexasJournal Article2015Access Here
The Mosses of Texas. A Catalogue with AnnotationsJournal ArticleAccess Here
Regional Archeologists' Reports: Mountain/Pecos & PlainsJournal Article2015Access Here
Feds Must Reconsider Habitat Protection for Devils River MinnowWebpage2010Access Here
Minimal Genetic Structure In The Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)Journal Article2019Access Here
Evolutionary Relationships of Pupfishes in the Cyprinodon eximius Complex (Atherinomorpha: Cyprinodontiformes)Journal ArticleAccess Here
Records of Cicadas from North America with Descriptions of New SpeciesJournal ArticleAccess Here
Population Status and Threat Analysis for the Black-capped VireoReportAccess Here
A New Carolina WrenJournal Article2023Access Here
Karyotypes and Evolution of the Spinosus Group of Lizards in the Genus SceloporusThesis2014Access Here
Patterns of Mitochondrial Diversity among Desert Firefly Populations (Lampyridae: Microphotus octarthrus Fall)Journal Article2000Access Here
Collected Papers from Past Texas Archeological Society Summer Field SchoolsBook1969Access Here
Descriptions and Records of Bees-LVIIIPaper2013Access Here
Pseudemys gorzugi Ward Rio Grande CooterJournal ArticleAccess Here
A Preliminary Investigation Into the Use of Environmental DNA to Detect the Presence of Rare Eurycea Salamanders in the Devils River, TexasThesis2011Access Here
A Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from Arkansas, Indian Territory and Western TexasJournal Article2010Access Here
Styles of Rudist Buildup Development Along the Northern Margin of the Maverick Basin, Pecos River Canyon, Southwest TexasJournal ArticleAccess Here
Bufo PunctatusJournal ArticleAccess Here
Experimental Selective Rotenone Killing of Undesirable Fish Species in Flowing StreamsReport1968Access Here
The Vegetation Types of Texas Including CroplandDocument2010Access Here
Chihuahuan DesertscrubJournal Article1969Access Here
Reproductive and Feeding Ecology of Two Sympatric Dionda (Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Basin, TexasThesis1892Access Here
From Texas to San Diego in 1851: The Overland Journal of Dr. SW Woodhouse, Surgeon-naturalist of the Sitgreaves ExpeditionBook1878Access Here
The North American Species of MacrobrachiumJournal Article2019Access Here
Spatial Variability in the Speciation and Bioaccumulation of Mercury in an Arid Subtropical Reservoir EcosystemJournal Article1904Access Here
Devils River Flow Study - 09/26/06 - 09/28/06Map1994Access Here
Spread of an Exotic Fish-Gill TrematodeJournal Article1987Access Here
Don't Blow It: Unregulated Wind Farms Encroach on Pristine Texas WildernessNews Article2021Access Here
Fluctuating fire regimes and their historical effects on genetic variation in an endangered shrubland specialistJournal Article2013
Semi-Arid Shrublands Require Little On-Going Management to Remain Suitable for Black-Capped VireosJournal Article2016
Nesting Ecology of the Black-Capped Vireo in Southwest TexasJournal Article2012Access URL
Spring discharge and thermal regime of a groundwater dependent ecosystem
in an arid karst environment
Journal Article2020Access URL
Monitoring the effects of groundwater level on spring and stream discharge, stream temperature, and habitat
for Dionda diaboli in the Devils River
Report2018Access URL
E. K. FawcettWeb Page2003Access URL
E. K. Fawcett Recalls ExperiencesWeb Page2000Access URL
Devils River MinnowFact Sheet1999Access URL
Aquatic Fauna of the Northern Chihuahuan DesertReport2003Access URL
Distribution and Status of the Devils River MinnowJournal Article1992Access URL
Habitat associations of a semi-arid fish community in a karst spring-fed streamJournal Article2011Access URL
Part 1: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule To List the Devils River Minnow as ThreatenedDocument1999Access URL
Habitat Associations of Fishes in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2002Access URL
Devils River Minnow (Dionda diaboli) Recovery PlanRecovery Plan2005Access URL
Structure and Habitat Associations of Devils River Fish AssemblagesJournal Article1997Access URL
Ecological Profiles For Selected Stream-Dwelling Texas Freshwater Fishes IIContract Report1999Access URL
Spawning Behavior and Nest Association by Dionda diaboli in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article2011Access URL
Threatened fishes of the world: Dionda diaboli Hubbs & Brown, 1956 (Cyprinidae)Journal Article2002Access URL
Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae), a New Minnow from TexasJournal Article1956Access URL
Questions and Answers: Devils River Minnow Critical HabitatFact Sheet2008Access URL
Effects of Smallmouth Bass on Habitat Selection by a Fish Assemblage of the Devils River, TexasThesis Paper2001Access URL
Progress Report: Devils River Minnow Genetic Characterization to Detect Population SubdivisionReport2006Access URL
Part 2: Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Designation of Critical Habitat for the Devils River Minnow; Final RuleDocument2008Access URL
Final Report for the Nature Conservancy in Fulfillment of Dolan Springs AssessmentReport2018Access URL
Occurrence of the Spotted Sunfish, Lepomis punctatus, in the Devils River, TexasJournal Article1990Access URL
Water quality and the composition of fish and macroinvertebrate communities in the Devils and Pecos Rivers within and upstream from the Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas, 2005-7Report2005Access URL
Rediscovery, Distribution, and Populational Status of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) in Devil's River, TexasJournal Article1980Access URL
Reestablishment of Cyprinodon eximius (Cyprinodontidae) and Status of Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae) in the Vicinity of Dolan Creek, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article1990Access URL
Abundance and Distribution of Heterelmis cf. glabra (Coleoptera: Elmidae) within Dolan Falls Preserve and the Devils River State Natural Area, Texas, USAReport2020Access URL
Mesohabitat Associations of the Devil Tryonia, Tryonia diaboli (Gastropoda: Truncatelloidea: Cochliopidae)Journal Article2020Access URL
Inventory of Terrestrial Mammals at Amistad National Recreation Area, TexasJournal Article2008Access URL
 Discovery of Endangered Mexican Blindcat,Prietella phreatophila, in Texas: Implications for International Groundwater Management and Evolution of the Regional Karst Aquifer BiotaJournal Article2017Access URL
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2013Access URL
Baseline Assessment Of The Bats Of Devils River State Natural Area, Dan A. Hughes Unit, Val Verde County, TexasReport2016Access URL
The cave fauna of Texas with special reference to the western Edwards PlateauReport1994Access URL
Phreatodrobia coronae, a new species of cave snail from southwestern TexasJournal Article1987Access URL
Species Status Assessment (SSA) Report for Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)Report2021Access URL
Composition, structure, and habitat associations of fish assemblages of the Dolan Falls PreserveReport1995Access URL
Evaluation of the Devils River Watershed Surface-Water/Groundwater Model for Determination of Pumping Impacts near Finnegan and Dolan SpringsReport2019Access URL
Devils River Hydroshed: Goals, Overview of Knowledge, and Research NeedsReport2005Access URL
Nesting Ecology of the Black-Capped Vireo in Southwest TexasJournal Article2012Access URL
Reconnaissance Investigation of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources of Selected Portions of the Devils River Basin,Val Verde, Crockett, and Sutton Counties, TexasReport2004Access URL
Semi-Arid Shrublands Require Little On-Going Management to Remain Suitable for Black-Capped VireosJournal Article2020Access URL
Fluctuating fire regimes and their historical effects on genetic variation in an endangered shrubland specialistJournal Article2015Access URL
Devils River Minnow Comprehensive Report from Pinto Creek and San Felipe Creek Report2014Access URL
Response of Devils River minnow and other fish in Pinto Creek, Kinney County, Texas during a severe droughtJournal Article2015Access URL
Species Status Assessment Report for the Texas Hornshell Version 1.2Report2018Access URL
Final Recovery Plan for Texas Hornshell (Popenaias popeii)Report2022Access URL
Texas Hornshell (Popenaias popeii) 5-Year Status Review: Summary and EvaluationReport2023Access URL
Rio Grande Basin Designated Uses and Numeric Criteria2010Access Here
Texas Surface Water Quality Standards2010Access Here
Aquatic Life Use Subcategories2010Access Here
Critical low-flow values for dissolved oxygen for the eastern and southern Texas ecoregions2010Access Here
Sutton County2021Access Here
Will Water Issues Constrain Oil and Gas Production in the United States?2020Access Here
Spring discharge and thermal regime of a groundwater dependent ecosystemin an arid karst environmentJournal Article2020Access Here
Water, Endangered Fishes, and Development Perspectives in Arid Lands of Mexico1994
Differences in Produced Water Contaminants from Oil and Gas Operations in New Mexico - Implications for Regulatory Action1986
National Land Cover Database 2019 - Landcover & Imperviousness (NLCD2019)2021Access Here
The Clock Is Ticking on America’s ‘Feral Swine Bomb’2020Access Here
Feral hog damage to endangered Houston toad (Bufo houstonesis) habitat in the lost pines of Texas2012Access Here
Devils River WatershedBook2019Access Here
A Watershed Protection Plan for the Pecos River in Texas2008Access Here
A review of water quality concerns in livestock farming areas2000
Water-Quality Data Used in the Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment from Santa Rosa Lake, New Mexico to the Confluence of the Pecos River and the Rio Grande, Texas, 1900-20152019Access Here
Devils River at Pafford Crossing near Comstock, Texas (Station 08449400)
2000Access Here
Species Composition and Diversity of Benthic Macroinvertebrates of Lower Devil’s River, Texas1980Access Here
Edwards County2020Access Here
Water Quantity and Quality Challenges from Elephant Butte to Amistad2013Access Here
Environmental Escherichia coli: ecology and public health implications-a review2017
Feral Hogs and Plum Creek Watershed2011Access Here
Evaluation of Ground-Water Resources in Parts of Loving, Pecos, Reeves, Ward, and Winkler Counties, Texas1990Access Here
Val Verde County2020Access Here
Escherichia coli (E. coli) as an Indicator of Fecal Contamination in Groundwater: A Review.2020
A&M study: The future of Texas depends on climate preparedness2020Access Here
Going Hog Wild: Tackling Texas’ Feral Hog Crisis with Statewide Solutions2024Access Here
Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems2014Access Here
In hot water? How climate change may (or may not) affect the groundwater resources of TexasJournal Article2008
Dissolved Oxygen Fluctuations in Karst Spring Flow and Implications for Endemic Species: Barton Springs, Edwards Aquifer, Texas, USA2013Access Here
Current Situation of Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution and Its Control2023Access Here
Range size, habitat use, and dial activity of feral hogs on reclaimed surface-mined lands in east Texas2007Access Here
Influence of Tributaries on Salinity of Amistad International Reservoir2006Access Here
Hydrologic values2002
Assessment of Historic and Future Trends of Extreme Weather in Texas, 1900-2036: 2021 Update2021
Escherichia coli as a Tool for Disease Risk Assessment of Drinking Water Sources2020
Plateau Region Draft Final Water Plan2020
Crude Oil, Gas Well Liquids or Associated Products (H-8) Loss Reports2020Access Here
Experts warn Texas feral hog population is moving to waterways, could lead to contamination2023Access Here
Water Quality, E. coli and Your Health2014Access Here
Agricultural Sources of Water Pollution How Our History Informs Current Debate2016
Midstream Pipelines2024aAccess Here
Wells2024bAccess Here
Global Water Pollution and Human Health2010
E. coli as a public health indicator of drinking water quality2008
Draft 2024 Texas Integrated Report2024Access Here
Paramteres Measured: Surface Dissolved Oxygen2018aAccess Here
Paramteres Measured: Surface Water pH2018bAccess Here
Paramteres Measured: Surface Water Temperature2018cAccess Here
Field Water Quality2020Access Here
Texas Stream Team Core Water Quality Community Scientist Manual2023Access Here
Texas Stream Team Riparian Evaluation Citizen Scientist Manual2022Access Here
Environmental Flows Recommendations Report2012Access Here
Animal Products2022Access Here
Feral Swine: Managing an Inviasive Speciesn.d.Access Here
Overview of Identifying and Restoring Impaired Waters under Section 303(d) of the CWA2023aAccess Here
Indicators: Dissolved Oxygen2023bAccess Here
Factsheet on Water Quality Parameters: Nutrients2021Access Here
Source Water Protection (SWP) Common Considerations2023Access Here
Moving towards sustainability: The livestock sector and the World Bank2021Access Here

Sustainable Recreation

Pit Digging,' a Behavioral Feeding Adaptation in Pupfishes (Genus Cyprinodon)Journal Article2019Access Here
HB 2760 - 82(R) Relating to species-protection programs (04/05/2011 H Left pending in committee)Legislative BillAccess Here
Justicia (Acanthaceae) in TexasJournal Article2016Access Here
1997 Juniper Symposium ProceedingsBook2019Access Here
The Fishes of Texas and the Rio Grande Basin, Considered Chiefly with Reference to Their Geographic DistributionBook1905Access Here
Phylogenetic relationships of Moxostoma and Scartomyzon (Catostomidae) based on mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence dataJournal Article1975Access Here
Food Habits and Notes on Life History of the Ring-Tailed Cat in TexasJournal Article2017Access Here
Fish and Wildlife Service Designates Critical Habitat for Devils River Minnow – Final Rule Slashes Original Proposal by Two-ThirdsWeb Page1975Access Here
Further Distribution Records for the Bigscale Logperch, Percina macrolepida (Osteichthyes: Percidae) from Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana with Notes on Its Occurrence in CaliforniaJournal Article1913Access Here
SB 1595 - 82(R) Relating to species-protection Legislative Bill2015Access Here
Conservation Area Plan for the Devils RiverReport1945Access Here
Morphometrics and Evolution of Speodesmus in Central Texas Caves (Diplopoda, Polydesmida)Report1988Access Here
Characterization of Genetic Structure and Levels of Variation in Wild and Captive Populations of Devils River MinnowReport1900Access Here
Virtual Extinction of Gambusia amistadensis n. sp., a Poeciliid Fish from TexasJournal Article1994Access Here
Redescription of the Texas Shiner Notropis amabilis from the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico with the Reinstatement of N. megalops (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)Journal ArticleNAAccess Here
Devils River Landowners Say Wind Farms Threaten Wild Character of Texas' Last Untamed RiverNews ArticleNAAccess Here
Black-Capped Vireo Recovery PlanReport2009Access Here
Habitat Associations of a Semi-Arid Fish Community in a Karst Spring-Fed StreamJournal Article2018Access Here
Distributional Patterns of Texas Fresh-Water FishesJournal Article2010Access Here
Birds of Tom Green and Concho Counties, Texas (Concluded)Book Section1993Access Here
Inventory of Species Present and Their Distribution in Those Portions of the Devil's River, Excluding Devil's Lake and Lake Walk Which Lie within Val Verde Co., TexasReport2012Access Here
Oaks of Trans-Pecos TexasJournal Article1948Access HereAccess File
Cyprinid Fishes of the Subgenus Cyprinella of Notropis from Southeast Texas, USA, and Northeast MexicoThesis2011Access Here
Prairie DogWebpage2018Access Here
Holistic Perspective on JuniperWebpage2012Access Here
Appraisal Of The Archeology Resources Of Diablo Reservoir Val Verde County, TexasDocument2012Access Here
Agency report for Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentPresentation2007Access Here
Managing Brown‐Headed Cowbirds to Sustain Abundance of Black‐Capped VireosJournal Article2017Access Here
Expanding the Known Ranges of the Phreatic Snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Cochliopidae) of Texas, USAJournal Article1968Access HereAccess File
Color Pattern Variation in Crotalus lepidus lepidus (Viperidae) in Southwestern TexasJournal Article2014Access Here
Movement Patterns and Habitat Use of the Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi) Within Lotic EcosystemsReport1993Access Here
Devils River MinnowDocument1999Access HereAccess File
Phreatodrobia coronae, a New Species of Cavesnail from Southwestern TexasJournal Article2019Access Here
The Conflict between Endangered Species and the State Water Plan: Will New Listings under the Endangered Species Act Thwart the State Water Planning Process?Report1966Access Here
Status Survey of Devil's River Minnow in Historic Range with Emphasis on Coahuila, MexicoReport2012Access Here
An Electrophoretic and Multivariate Morphometric Comparison of the American Catfishes Ictalurus lupus and I. punctatusJournal ArticleNAAccess Here
Distribution of Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) in TexasJournal Article1974Access Here
A Study of Chaptalia (Asteraceae: Mutisieae) in Central, Southern, and Western Texas and the Resurrection of Chaptalia carduaceaJournal Article2019Access Here
Instream Flow-Habitat Relationships in the Upper Rio Grande River BasinReport2016Access Here
Conservation Agreement, Devils River minnow Dionda diaboliDocument1919Access Here
A Preliminary Analysis of the River Carpsuckers, Carpiodes carpio (Rafinesque), in the Southern Portion of its RangeJournal Article1973Access HereAccess File
A New Athyroglossa, with a Key to North American Species (Diptera: Ephydridae)Journal Article1974Access Here
Population Status and Life History Attributes of the Texas Shiner Notropis amabilisJournal Article2013Access Here
Exotic Armored Catfishes in Texas: Reproductive Biology, and Effects of Foraging on Egg Survival of Native Fishes (Etheostoma fonticola, Endangered and Dionda diaboli, Threatened)Thesis1977Access Here
Woody Plant Encroachment: Causes and ConsequencesJournal Article1969Access Here
The Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Dolan Falls Ranch, Val Verde County, Texas: Species Composition and Community AttributesThesis1974Access HereAccess File
Texas Rancher An Unlikely EnvironmentalistRadio Broadcast2003Access HereAccess File
Historical Changes in Stocking Densities on Texas RangelandsJournal Article2019Access Here
A Survey of the Mammals of Devils River State Natural Area and Relative Abundance of Small Mammals in the Area (Texas)Journal Article2005Access Here
Devils River State Natural Area, TexasMagazine Article1900Access Here
A Preliminary Survey of the Vertebrate Fauna of the Dolan Falls - Dolan Creek AreaBook Section2013Access Here
Domal, Thrombolitic, Microbialite Biostromes and Associated Lithofacies in the Upper Albian Devils River Trend Along the Northern, High-Energy Margin of the MaverickJournal Article2007Access Here
An Annotated Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of Texas, with Keys to Identification of Species, 2nd EditionJournal Article2001Access Here
Notes on Amphibians and Reptiles from the Central United StatesJournal ArticleAccess Here
The Mammals of Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas: 2005 Final ReportReportDec. 11­-13, 1978Access Here
Threatened Fishes of the World: Cyprinodon eximius Girard 1859Journal Article2016Access Here
Texas' Devils River Minnow ThreatenedNews Article2013Access Here
Documented Chromosome Numbers 2005: 2. Counts from Western Texas, Mostly Trans-Pecos CactiJournal ArticleAccess Here
Geographic Isolation Facilitates the Evolution of Reproductive Isolation and Morphological DivergenceJournal Article2019Access Here
Dionda diaboli (Cyprinidae), a New Minnow from TexasJournal Article2019Access Here
Freshwater Mussels of TexasBook2017Access Here
Extensive Interspecific Genetic Compatibility in the New World Killifish Genus CyprinodonJournal Article2009Access Here
New Species of Gambusia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from Del Rio, TexasJournal Article2014Access Here
Devils River Hydro PlantsWebpage2008Access Here
Effects of Temperature on Captive-Bred Devils River MinnowsJournal Article2017Access Here
The Devils ProblemMagazine Article2014Access Here
Karst Aquatic Ecosystems of the Edwards Plateau Region of Central Texas, USA: A Consideration of their Importance, Threats to their Existence, and Efforts for their ConservationJournal Article2014Access Here
April 28th; Description of Six New Species of Fresh Water and Land Shells of Texas and Tamaulipas, from the Collection of the Smithsonian Institution.; Examination of a Nickel Meteorite, from Oktibbeha County, MississippiJournal Article2014Access Here
Amistad Receives 73,000 StripersNews Article2018Access Here
Texas Freshwater Fish Assemblages following Three Decades of Environmental ChangeJournal Article2014Access Here
Water-Resource Management of the Devils River WatershedReport2016Access Here
Long‐Term Mark‐and‐Recapture Study of a Freshwater Mussel Reveals Patterns of Habitat Use and an Association between Survival and River DischargeJournal Article2017Access Here
The Zooarcheology of Hinds Cave, Val Verde County, TexasThesis2012Access Here
Effects of an Introduced Predator on the Native Fish Assemblage in the Devils River, TexasThesis2012Access Here
Distribution of the Headwater Catfish Ictalurus lupus (Osteichthyes: Ictaluridae)Journal Article2010Access Here
New and Additional Records of Texas Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera)Journal Article1929Access Here
Microsatellite Markers for Species of the Genus Dionda (Cyprinidae) from the American SouthwestJournal Article2004Access Here
Subgenera and Species Groups in the Poeciliid Fish Genus Gambusia PoeyJournal Article2018Access Here
Texas Pteridophyta: IJournal Article2017Access Here
A New Subgenus of Intranasal Chiggers of the Genus Microtrombicula from North America and KoreaJournal Article2018Access Here
Texas Pteridophyta: IIJournal Article2014Access Here
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule to List the Devils River Minnow as ThreatenedReport2014Access Here
Response of the Devil's River (Texas) Fish Community to FloodingJournal Article2018Access Here
Birds of the Texas Hill CountryBook2021Access Here
Habitat Suitability Modeling of Peromyscus pectoralis (White-Ankled Mouse) in Val Verde Co., TexasThesis2023Access Here
Speciation in the North American Genus Dionda ((Teleostei, Cypriniformes)Book Section2023Access Here
Contemporary Status of the Rio Grande Cooter (Testudines: Emydidae: Pseudemys gorzugi) in Texas: Phylogenetic, Ecological and Conservation ConsiderationsPaper2019Access Here
Environmental Characteristics and Water Quality of Hydrologic Benchmark Network Stations in the West-Central United States, 1963-95ReportAccess Here
Taxonomic Revision of the Genus Fendlera (Hydrangeaceae)Journal ArticleAccess Here
An Inventory of the Vascular Plants of Amistad National Recreation Area, Val Verde Co., TexasJournal Article2022Access Here
Creek Care Leads to New SpeciesNews ArticleAccess Here
Conservation Genetics of an Undescribed Species of Dionda (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Drainage in Western TexasJournal Article2015Access Here
The Mosses of Texas. A Catalogue with AnnotationsJournal ArticleAccess Here
Regional Archeologists' Reports: Mountain/Pecos & PlainsJournal Article2015Access Here
Feds Must Reconsider Habitat Protection for Devils River MinnowWebpage2010Access Here
Minimal Genetic Structure In The Rio Grande Cooter (Pseudemys gorzugi)Journal Article2019Access Here
Evolutionary Relationships of Pupfishes in the Cyprinodon eximius Complex (Atherinomorpha: Cyprinodontiformes)Journal ArticleAccess Here
Records of Cicadas from North America with Descriptions of New SpeciesJournal ArticleAccess Here
Population Status and Threat Analysis for the Black-capped VireoReportAccess Here
A New Carolina WrenJournal Article2023Access Here
Karyotypes and Evolution of the Spinosus Group of Lizards in the Genus SceloporusThesis2014Access Here
Patterns of Mitochondrial Diversity among Desert Firefly Populations (Lampyridae: Microphotus octarthrus Fall)Journal Article2000Access Here
Collected Papers from Past Texas Archeological Society Summer Field SchoolsBook1969Access Here
Descriptions and Records of Bees-LVIIIPaper2013Access Here
Pseudemys gorzugi Ward Rio Grande CooterJournal ArticleAccess Here
A Preliminary Investigation Into the Use of Environmental DNA to Detect the Presence of Rare Eurycea Salamanders in the Devils River, TexasThesis2011Access Here
A Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians from Arkansas, Indian Territory and Western TexasJournal Article2010Access Here
Styles of Rudist Buildup Development Along the Northern Margin of the Maverick Basin, Pecos River Canyon, Southwest TexasJournal ArticleAccess Here
Bufo PunctatusJournal ArticleAccess Here
Experimental Selective Rotenone Killing of Undesirable Fish Species in Flowing StreamsReport1968Access Here
The Vegetation Types of Texas Including CroplandDocument2010Access Here
Chihuahuan DesertscrubJournal Article1969Access Here
Reproductive and Feeding Ecology of Two Sympatric Dionda (Cyprinidae) in the Rio Grande Basin, TexasThesis1892Access Here
From Texas to San Diego in 1851: The Overland Journal of Dr. SW Woodhouse, Surgeon-naturalist of the Sitgreaves ExpeditionBook1878Access Here
The North American Species of MacrobrachiumJournal Article2019Access Here
Spatial Variability in the Speciation and Bioaccumulation of Mercury in an Arid Subtropical Reservoir EcosystemJournal Article1904Access Here
Devils River Flow Study - 09/26/06 - 09/28/06Map1994Access Here
Spread of an Exotic Fish-Gill TrematodeJournal Article1987Access Here
Don't Blow It: Unregulated Wind Farms Encroach on Pristine Texas WildernessNews Article2021Access Here
Outline for Speech to DEVIL’S RIVER GROUPDocument2013Access File
Handbook of Texas Water Law: Problems and NeedsHandbookcirca 1985Access File
If A River Runs Through It, What Law Applies?Document2021Access File
Devil_s River Presentation 2013-1Presentation2013Access File
Proposal Devil's River SurveyDocument2013Access File
Gradient Boundary Letter to Landowners 8-13Letter2013Access File
Devils River Working Group Action PlanPresentation2014Access Here
New Devils River Access Permit Process Takes EffectPress Release2013Access Here
A Research Strategy for Enhancing
Sustainable Recreation and Tourism
on Public Lands
Report2020Access Here
Living on the edge: Benefit-sharing from protected area tourismJournal Article2019Access Here
Civic Recreation: Outdoor Recreationists as Advocates, Stewards, and Managers of Natural Resources
Journal Article2019Access Here
Nearby Nature ‘Buffers’ the Effect of Low Social Connectedness on Adult Subjective Wellbeing over the Last 7 DaysJournal Article2018Access Here
Effects of Recreation on Animals Revealed as Widespread through a Global Systematic ReviewJournal Article2016Access Here
Federal Outdoor Recreation Trends:
Effects on Economic Opportunities
Report2016Access Here
Technology and Backcountry Recreation: Boon to Recreation or Bust for Management?Journal Article1999Access Here
Persistent Disparities between Recent Rates of Habitat Conversion and Protection and Implications for Future Global Conservation TargetsJournal Article2016Access Here
What is Nature Tourism?Web PageAccess Here
Sustainability, the Triple Bottom Line, and the Global Reporting InitiativeJournal Article2010Access Here
Our Common FutureReport1987Access Here
The relationship between teacher qualification and the quality of the early childhood education and care environmentJournal Article2017Access Here
Connecting People with America’s Great Outdoors:
A Framework for Sustainable Recreation
Report2010Access Here
UNDAMMED AND UNFORGIVINGMagazine Article2002Access Here
HikingWeb Page2024Access Here
Texas State Parks Rules and RegulationsRegulations2021Access Here
Devils AdvocateMagazine ArticleAccess Here
ublic Law 101-628-Nov. 28, 1990, 16 USC 460fff, Sec. 505Legal DocumentAccess Here
Legal Document1944Access Here
Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 59 Subchapter D Rule §59.64 bLegal DocumentAccess Here
31, Code §59.134Legal Document2002Access Here
The National Parks:
Index 2012-2016
Index2016Access Here
Protected Areas DAtabase of the United StatesDatabaseAccessed April 22, 2024Access Here
Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation PlanDocument2024Access Here
Echoes from YesteryearJournal Article2016Access Here
Fishing Regulations for Devils RiverRegulationsAccess Here

Other Miscellaneous Resources

An Expanded Inventory of Radiocarbon Dates from the Lower Pecos Region of Texas and the Northern Mexican States of Coahuila and Nuevo LeonJournal Article2017Access Here
Devils River is Wild and a Little WickedWebpage2010Access Here
Congressman Tony Gonzales Expresses National Security Risks Posed by Blue Hills Wind FarmWebpage2021Access Here
After Negotiations, Energy Companies Opt Against Placing Wind Farms in Val Verde CountyWebpage2019Access Here
Late Paleo-Indian occupations at Baker Cave, southwestern TexasJournal Article1983Access Here
Air ApparentNews Article2014Access Here
CP&L Closes 3 Devil's River Power PlantsAccess Here
Sheep Shearing on the Prosser RanchPhotographs1889Access Here
Map of Lands in Val Verde County TexasMap1913Access Here
History of Val Verde CountyDocument1945Access Here
USGS Devils River Map 1943Map1943Access Here
Along the Devils River in West Texas: Legend of the Wolf Girl Still LivesNews Article1986Access Here
Wolf Girl of Devil's RiverBlog2015Access Here
KSAT 12 NewsTV Broadcast2019Access Here
Legend of Naked Wolf Girl Roams the Devils River AreaNews Article1986Access Here
Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine Cover- Devils RiverPhotographs2017Access Here
Down the DevilsWebpageNAAccess Here
The Portal to Texas HistoryWebpageNAAccess Here
The Naming of Devils RiverWebpage2012Access Here
Texas Rancher An Unlikely EnvironmentalistRadio Broadcast2010Access Here
Terminal Archaic/Late Prehistoric Cooking Technology in the Lower Pecos: Excavation of the Lost Midden Site (41VV1991), Seminole Canyon State Park and Historic Site, Val Verde County, TexasBook2011Access Here
Devils River: Treacherous Twin to the Pecos: 1535-1900Book2011Access Here
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency PlanReport2009Access Here
Assert Devils River Can Be Utilized for Water PowerNews Article1925Access Here
The US Army and the Texas Frontier Economy: 1845-1900Book1999Access Here
Chinese-owned wind farm in Devils River, Texas threatens power grid and moreWebpage2020Access Here
Late Archaic Mortuary Practices Of the Lower Pecos River Region, Southwest TexasJournal Article1986Access Here
Interview with Claudia Abbey Ball, 08-04-1984Interview1984Access Here
Lower Pecos Prehistory: The View From The CavesJournal Article1994Access Here
The Rule of Capture-if it ain't broke..Paper2004Access Here
HB 1 - 86(R) Appropriating money forBill2019Access Here
More Sacred Holes in the Ritual Landscape of the Lower Pecos River RegionJournal Article1992Access Here
From Cattle Range To Cotton PatchNews Article1905Access Here
Anthropomorphizing the Landscape: The Pecos River Style Core MotifsPaper2003Access Here
Files: Digital Data RepositoryWebpageNAAccess Here
Utilization of Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio GrandeDocument1944Access Here
Legend, Lore & Legacy: What The Devil?Journal Article2014Access Here
Val Verde County Commissioners Court Opposes Wind Farm DevelopmentWebpage2018Access Here
Juno Survey 1899Document1899Access Here
Early Day Residents of Juno Recalled for Comstock Study ClubNews Article1974Access Here
Geology and Quicksilver Deposits of the Terlingua District, TexasBook1959Access Here
Water company looking to sell water to OdessaNews Article2019Access Here
Senator Campbell Receives OAG Opinion Reinforcing Ban on Aggressor Nations' Accessibility to Texas' Critical InfrastructureDocument2021Access Here

HB 3475 - 80(R) Relating to the authority of
Bill2017Access Here

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